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?Frequent Asked Questions?

We hope this FAQ page will answer questions you may have.
If you still have questions or would like to submit a question, please contact us through email or call us.
Thanks for visiting our website & supporting Project Humanity & Earth.!
Q: Is P.H.E. building a eco green town or sustainable town?

A: No, P.H.E. focuses on building one of a kind community centers & projects for communities. It would be up to the people living in the region, area or community to build a eco green town/city or a sustainable town.
Q: What is the P.H.E. Cause?


A: The Cause is to Build One of a Kind P.H.E. Community Centers that will provide Community Projects,
Resources, & Education about Important Subjects!
Q: What can I do for P.H.E.?


A: Spread the word about P.H.E. by sending the website link to Friends & Family.
Join the P.H.E. social groups, get people to donate & invest, find more supporters & volunteers!
Download The P.H.E. Plan & Project PDF at the P.H.E. Library page or Donation page!
Q: Is P.H.E. A Patchwork Organization?


A: No P.H.E. is Not a Patchwork Organization. P.H.E. has a logical and feasible plan & project that will help educate the general public about important subjects and solutions so humanity can move forward towards a Resource Based Economy proposed by Jacque Fresco. P.H.E. is a support organization for a RBE! 
P.H.E. will help create a amazing future for all of mankind, the animal kingdom and our biosphere!!
Q: Why is your website and information cut off on the sides?


A: Only a few people have reported this view issue which is caused by your web browser view settings. Your browser view settings maybe zoomed in to much, so you will have to adjust the browser view setting to zoom out so you can see all of the website.  
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